You don't need to contact Netflix customer service to get information about your account. You can access your account information, such as your Netflix plan details, on the My Account page. In addition, you can also change your preferences, such as your video playback settings, from the same page. Each section of the My Account page has links to access more information and manage the section preferences. Access the My Account page through any page on Netflix after you sign in to your account.
Step 1: Netflix Account Login
Sign in to your Netflix account and hover your cursor over your profile name to reveal a drop-down menu. Select "Your Account" from the menu to open the My Account page.
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Step 2: Review Account Settings
Review the sections of the My Account page to determine the information you want to view or the preferences you want to change. For example, the Membership and Billing section has the settings to manage your Netflix account's email preferences. The My Account page has four pri sections: Membership and Billing, Plan Details, Settings and My Profile.
Step 3: Access Email Preferences
Click "Email Preferences" under Update and Email in the My Profile section to open the Email Preferences page. The Membership and Billing section also has other account preferences that you can manage, such as your account login credentials, your payment information and your billing details.
Step 4: Set Login Credentials
Review the current email preferences for your account and decide which emails you want to continue receiving from Netflix. For example, if you don't want to receive promotional emails from the company, clear the "Netflix Offers" check box. Click the "Update" button to update your email preferences. If you prefer not to receive any emails from Netflix, select the "Unsubscribe From All Email Lists Above" check box and then click "Update."
Step 5: Determine the Plan
Click "Change Plan" in the Plan Details section to switch from your current plan to a new plan. You can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time. The section also displays the details of your current plan. Select the new plan if a change is desired and click the "Continue" button to move forward with the change. Review the details on the Change Streaming Plan pop-up window, such as the start date and price of the new plan, and then click the "Confirm Change" button to switch plans.
Step 6: Sign Out of Netflix
Click "Sign Out of All Devices" in the Settings section to sign out of your account on all devices. The Settings section also has the settings to activate a Netflix-enabled device, such as an applicable HDTV or game console, and the option to opt-in to Netflix user experience tests.
Step 7: Wait for the Changes
Click the "Yes" button. It can take up to eight hours for the change to propagate to all profiles and devices.
Step 8: Playback and Default Language
Click "Playback Settings" in the My Profile section to access the video playback options. You can also view your ratings, reviews and viewing activity in the Playback Settings section. In addition, you can change subtitle appearance, the default language and manage your profiles from this section.
Step 9: Player Settings
Select your settings from the available options. For example, select the "Play Next Episode Automatically" check box if you want TV shows to progress from episode to episode without interruption. Click the "Save" button to save the changes.
Step 10: Using Gift Cards
Enter the code or personal identification number for a Netflix gift subscription or promotional offer in the Membership and Billing section's "Redeem" box. Click the "Redeem" button. The value of the gift or offer is applied to your Netflix account. The Gifts and Offers section also has the list of your past gift subscription purchases and the option to find locations in your area that sell Netflix gift cards.
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- Netflix: How Do I Update My Netflix Account Information?
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- Netflix: Netflix Gift Cards in the US and Canada
- Netflix: How Do Profiles Work on My Netflix Account?
- Netflix: How Do I Redeem My Netflix Gift Subscription