How Do I Print in Blue Instead of Black?

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Printing in blue ink can be done very easily.

When you are printing out a document, you might not be looking to print something out in standard black ink. For example, your printer might have an abundance of colored ink, such as blue, and no black ink. In this case, it makes sense to print in blue instead of black. Blue ink can also be used to make a document that you're printing, such as a flyer or a handout, more interesting or visually appealing.


Step 1

Highlight all of the text in your document. A shortcut for highlighting all the text is to press "Control" and "A" on your keyboard.

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Step 2

Change the font color from black to blue by selecting blue from the font options in the main toolbar. You can also right-click and select "Font" from the list of options.



Step 3

Print the document. You can select print from the main menu options, or you can press "Control" and "P" on your keyboard to print.

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