How Do I Program a Philips Magnavox TV Without a Remote?

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A lost or damaged remote control is one common reason why you may need to program your Philips Magnavox TV in a different way. If you've dropped the remote once too often or the battery compartment is corroded, it could be rendered inoperable. The remote is obviously the most convenient way to switch channels, but you can still enjoy your TV without it. Learn a few basic techniques to program your TV during the commercials and you'll make it just in time for the show.


Step 1

Press the "Power" button on your TV to turn it on.

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Step 2

Press the "Menu" button on the TV's control panel. The control panel is located on the front of the television.


Step 3

Navigate through the menus and select particular items by pressing the "Ch +/-" and "Vol+/-" arrow buttons. Select "Auto-program." Select "Start now" and press the "Vol+" arrow button to select "OK."

Step 4

Select "Cable," "Next" and then "Start." Wait until a message appears on the screen stating that the auto-programming is finished. The TV will return to the first channel in memory.



Step 5

Press the "Vol+/-" buttons to increase or decrease the volume level. Press the "Ch+/-" arrow buttons to switch channels.

Step 6

Press the "Menu" button on the TV control panel to program other settings on your TV. Press the "Ch +/-" and "Vol+/-" arrow buttons to navigate through the menus, and press the "Vol+" arrow button to select an item. Navigate to the "Exit" option and press the "Menu" button on the TV control panel to close a menu.

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