How Do I Put Things in ABC Order in PowerPoint?

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If you sort a numbered list by moving its items up or down, PowerPoint automatically changes the numbers to reflect the new order.
Image Credit: Image courtesy of Microsoft

Unlike other Office programs such as Word or Excel, PowerPoint 2013 under Windows 8.1 or 7 does not include a tool that automatically sorts a list of items alphabetically. You can, however, sort items, slides or even elements on a slide -- such as Clip Arts, pictures or text boxes -- by manually moving them up or down.


Sorting a List Alphabetically

Video of the Day

Step 1

After you select it, a text box's outline becomes visible.
Image Credit: Image courtesy of Microsoft

Select the slide that contains the list you want to reorder by clicking on its thumbnail in the Slides pane. Click on the text box to select it.


Video of the Day

Step 2

You can sort both bulleted and numbered lists.
Image Credit: Image courtesy of Microsoft

Move your cursor over the bullet next to the first list item you want to move up or down. When your cursor turns into a four-headed arrow, click-and-drag the item to its new location.


Step 3

Click the "Undo" icon to undo your last action -- for example, if you made a mistake while sorting the list.
Image Credit: Image courtesy of Microsoft

Click on the Save icon to save your PowerPoint presentation once you have finished sorting the list.


Sorting Slides Alphabetically

Step 1

You can select multiple slides by holding down the "Ctrl" key and clicking on each slide.
Image Credit: Image courtesy of Microsoft

Click on a thumbnail to select the first slide you want to move.



Step 2

To delete a slide, right-click it and select "Delete."
Image Credit: Image courtesy of Microsoft

Drag the thumbnail to move the slide up or down the list.


Step 3

Save the presentation as a new file instead of overwriting the current one by opening the "File" tab and selecting "Save as."
Image Credit: Image courtesy of Microsoft

Select Save once you have finished editing your presentation.


Sorting Elements Alphabetically

Step 1

Image Credit: Image courtesy of Microsoft

Hover your cursor over the edge of the first element you want to move until the cursor turns into a four-headed arrow.



Step 2

Once you move an element, a guideline appears to the left that lets you keep all page elements aligned.
Image Credit: Image courtesy of Microsoft

Click-and-drag the element to its new location on the slide.


Step 3

Image Credit: Image courtesy of Microsoft

Save your presentation file by clicking on the Save icon.


