How Do I Upload a Photo for My Relationship Status on Facebook?

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When you change your relationship status on Facebook, the social network automatically creates a wall post detailing your changed relationship status. As long as there's a picture of you and the person in one of your albums, and it's tagged, the photo will also appear beneath your changed relationship status wall post.


Step 1

Sign in to Facebook and click on "Profile." Click "Photos" on the left sidebar.

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Step 2

Click on the album you want to add your relationship profile picture to, and then click "Add Photos." If you want to create a new album, click on "Upload Photos" and then give the album a name.


Step 3

Click on "Select Photos" and then click the photo from your computer. Click on "Upload." Click on "Done." This takes you to the uploaded photo.

Step 4

Click on the "In This Photo" box and type your name to tag yourself; then type your significant other's name to tag her.


Step 5

Click on "Save" to save the tags.


Step 6

Click on "Home" then "Edit Profile." Click on "Friends and Family," and then click your relationship status.


Step 7

Type the person's name, and then enter your anniversary, if desired. Click on "Save." The person will then need to confirm the relationship on her Facebook page. Once confirmed, a new post will be added to your wall with the message "[User] is in a relationship with [User 2]." The picture in the wall post for the changed relationship status will be the photo you uploaded and tagged.

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