How to Access the Serial Number on a Phillips TV

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Philips' line of flat-screen televisions provides a high-definition viewing experience, powerful integrated sound systems and support for USB devices such as digital cameras and MP3 players. Every Philips television is stamped with a unique serial number that identifies that particular product. Serial numbers are used to register the television with Philips. After you register you get access to product safety information and are notified promptly in the event of a recall or other issue. Philips also requires the serial number if your television needs service. The serial number is typically accessed by looking at a label on the back of your television.


Step 1

Turn your Philips television around so the back is facing you. Some Philips televisions have a swivel feature that allows you to turn the screen around easily.

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Step 2

Look for a label on the back of the television. Some newer models also have a label on the side.


Step 3

Search the bottom of the label for the words "Serial No." The serial number is also sometimes found on the top of the label. This depends on the model of your television.


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