How to Adjust the Contrast on a Dell Notebook

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If your Dell laptop screen appears too bright or dark, you should adjust the contrast. The contrast can be altered to best suit your needs. Dell laptops are simple to adjust the contrast. Unlike desktop monitors, laptop monitors don't have buttons or menus on the screen itself. However, buttons are available on the keyboard itself that allow you to change display settings. You can change many display settings through the display properties menu; however, contrast must be changed from the keyboard.


Step 1

Start your Dell laptop. You must have the screen on in order to adjust the contrast. If you are using an external keyboard, you may need to disconnect it if the function keys are not available.

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Step 2

Press the "F8" key which is located in the top row of keys on your Dell laptop.


Step 3

Use the down arrow key while holding the "F8" key to adjust the contrast lower. This will darken your display.

Step 4

Use the up arrow key while holding the "F8" key to adjust the contrast higher. This will lighten your display.


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Adjust Contrast Based on Power Source

Step 1

Change the contrast or brightness based on your power source, by restarting your computer and pressing "F2" to enter the BIOS.


Step 2

Locate the display settings. The exact screen will vary depending on the model of your Dell laptop.


Step 3

Use your arrow keys to navigate. Adjust the brightness display next to the battery power source settings. You can select a higher or lower contrast to better see your screen. P

Step 4

ress "F10" to save and "Esc" to exit.



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