How to Automatically Translate Web Pages in Firefox

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With the help of the Firefox extension FoxLingo, you can configure your browser to automatically translate websites to English. The extension supports translation for 75 languages and can be configured to utilize a variety of different translation services. When automatic translation is enabled in FoxLingo, pages you visit that are in a foreign language will be automatically displayed in English.


Step 1

Click the "Firefox" menu button, and select "Add-ons."

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Step 2

Type "FoxLingo" in the search box, and then press "Enter."

Step 3

Click "Install," and then restart Firefox to activate the extension.


Step 4

Click "Next" to install FoxLingo using the default settings. English will be the default translation language and FoxLingo will be accessible from the FoxLingo toolbar and the Firefox context menu. You can disable the toolbar or context menu display by clicking the check box beside those options. You can also change the default translation language by selecting your preferred language from the drop-down menu.


Step 5

Click "Next" to maintain the default language translation and flag displays. By default, FoxLingo will enable you to translate pages to English, French, Spanish and Latin American Spanish, and the display flags will be the U.S., French and Spanish flags instead of the U.K., Canadian and Mexican flags. To add additional languages, click the "Options" button, and click the check boxes beside the languages you would like to access for translation.


Step 6

Select optional add-ons to install, and then click "Finish."


Step 7

Click "Yes" to enable site language identification features that will automatically translate pages based on the domain extension.


Step 8

Click the "FoxLingo" icon in the toolbar, and select "Options."

Step 9

Click the check box beside "Immediately Translate When Page is Loaded" and then click "OK." Foreign language websites will be automatically translated to English when you visit them.

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