How to Bypass an Administrator Password Download

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Download files without typing in the admininstrator password every time.

Often when you are using a computer (any Windows based operating system) that is part of a larger network (typically at work or at school), an administrator password is required to download anything. However, if you want to get around constantly being asked for the administrator password when downloading a file, there are a few options available to you.


Step 1

Talk to the administrator and have her log into the computer herself. If an administrator logs into the computer, you will not be asked for the password with every download. You may also ask the administrator to remove the password requirement for downloading (although it is unlikely she will agree to do so).


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Step 2

Click "Start" after you have logged in. (You do not need to be logged in as the administrator to perform these actions.) Then choose "Control Panel," "Administrative Tools," "Local Security Settings" and finally "Minimum Password Length." From this dialog, reduce the password length to "0." Save these changes. Because the password length is now at 0, the password is no longer required to access downloads.


Step 3

If you are unable to change the password length, click the "Start" button and choose "Run" in Windows XP. (You do not need to be logged in as the administrator to perform these actions.) If you are running Windows Vista or Windows 7, hold down the "Windows" button, then press "R," and the Run box appears. In the "Run" box, type in "mmc," then click "OK." Choose "Local Users" and select "Console Root," followed by "Local Users and Groups." Right-click the Administrator option and choose to set the password. Type in the password you want to use when downloaded files and click "OK."


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