How to Change a Password Logon for a Dell Computer

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Changing your Windows password is easy on a Dell computer.

Passwords are used in the Windows operating system to give users their own accounts. If you want to change one of the passwords on your Dell computer, you can do this with just a couple clicks of your mouse. You will not have to call Microsoft Support or get in touch with a computer technician. You can do it yourself with minimal knowledge of computers.


Windows XP

Video of the Day

Step 1

Click the "Start" tab and select "Control Panel" from the menu.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Go down to the "Users" tab and click it.


Step 3

Select the account of the password that you want to change.

Step 4

Click "Reset Password" and enter the old password into the field.

Step 5

Click on "New Password" and enter your new password into the field. Click "Confirm Password" and enter your password into the field. Click "OK."


Windows Vista and Windows 7

Step 1

Press the "Control," "Alt" and "Delete" buttons together.


Step 2

Click "Change Password."


Step 3

Type your old password into the prompt.

Step 4

Type your new password into the "New Password" and "Confirm Password" prompts.

Step 5

Click "OK."


