Modern phone systems, including models built by Avaya, include a digital clock that serves several purposes. The current time typically appears on the phone display, so that users can check it at a glance. Some phones also use the time to mark when a call is missed or a voicemail is received. After a power outage or a change, such as Daylight Saving Time, you can manually update the time using the menu system of your Avaya phone.
Avaya/Lucent Partner ACS Phone System
Video of the Day
Step 1
Select either extension 10 or 11. The phone will not accept your commands if you choose a different extension.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Press the "Feature" button, and then enter "00" on the number pad.
Step 3
Push the left intercom button twice. Press the "#" key, and then enter "103."
Step 4
Type the correct time on the number pad, using the 24-hour format. For example, type "2031" if the current time is 8:31 in the evening.
Step 5
Enter "#" and then "101" to change the date. Type the date using a MM/DD/YY format, such as "111314" for November 13, 2014. If you only need to change the time, skip this step.
Step 6
Press the "Feature" button, and enter "00." The phone saves the new date and time.
Avaya/Lucent Partner Phone System
Step 1
Select extension 10. The Avaya phone will not accept programming unless you choose this extension.
Step 2
Press the "Feature" button, and enter "00."
Step 3
Push the left intercom button twice. Type the "#" key, and then enter "103."
Step 4
Enter the correct time in the 24-hour format. For instance, type "0915" if it is 9:15 AM, or "2115" if it is 9:15 PM.
Step 5
Press "Feature" and then "00" to save the time.
Avaya Merlin Magix Phone System
Step 1
Press the "Menu" button on the System Programming Console. Choose "System Program."
Step 2
Select "Start," then "System" and then press "Time."
Step 3
Enter the time in the 24-hour format. For example, type "2341" if it is 11:41 PM.
Step 4
Press "Enter," and then "Exit" and "Home." The phone system saves the new time.