How to Copy Mac Fonts onto a PC

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Font files are some of the most annoying and unwieldy files you will ever have to deal with on a computer, and moving them between computers and operating systems can be an exercise in frustration. Here's some information about the process of moving fonts between Mac OS X and Windows computers.


Copying from the Mac

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Step 1

Connect your USB thumb drive or other removable storage option to your Mac.

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Step 2

Open "Font Book" in your computer's applications folder.


Step 3

Select a font you want to move and click on the "File" menu.

Step 4

Choose "Reveal in Finder."

Step 5

Copy all the fonts in this folder you'd like to move to the USB thumb drive or other storage device.


Step 6

Eject the USB thumb drive or other storage and move to your Windows computer.

Adding Fonts to Windows 7

Step 1

Connect the USB thumb drive or other storage to the Windows computer.


Step 2

Navigate to the font files using the "My Computer" link in the Start Menu.

Step 3

Right-click on each font file and choose "Install."

Adding Fonts to Windows Vista or XP

Step 1

Click the "Start" button in the lower left corner. On Windows Vista, it has a Windows logo, but no "Start" text.



Step 2

Choose "Run."

Step 3

Type, or copy and paste, "C:\Windows\Fonts\" into the "Run" box's text field, then press "OK."

Step 4

Click "Start," click on "My Computer," then open your USB thumb drive or other storage solution.

Step 5

Drag the fonts from the USB thumb drive window into the Fonts directory.


