How to Copy & Paste Images

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There are simple and quick ways to copy images so that they can be reused in other applications or as background images for your computer. Methods vary depending on where the original item is located and where you want to paste a copy of it.

Copying and Pasting an Image in a Word Application

Step 1

Click on the image you want to copy.


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Step 2

Choose "Edit/Copy" (Ctrl+C or right-click and "Copy") from the menu.

Step 3

Open the application you'd like to paste the image into.

Step 4

Select "Edit/Paste" (Ctrl+V or right-click and "Paste") from the menu.


Option 1: Copying and Pasting an Image from a Web Browser

Step 1

Find the image you want to copy.

Step 2

Right-click on it and select "Copy" (Ctrl+C).


Step 3

Open the application you want to paste the image into.

Step 4

Select "Edit/Paste" (Ctrl+V or right-click and "Paste") from the menu.

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Option 2: Copying and Pasting an Image from a Web Browser

Step 1

Right-click on the image and select "Save Picture As."



Step 2

Browse to a folder where you'd like to save the image and click "Save." Do not change the file extension (.gif, .jpg, .png).

Step 3

Open the application you want to add the image to.


Step 4

Go to "Insert/Picture" (for a Word application) or "File/Import" (for an Image Editor).

Step 5

Browse to the folder where you saved the image and double-click on it. You will see your image on the page.


Copying and Pasting a Screenshot

Step 1

Take a screenshot by clicking the "Prt Sc" button on your keyboard.

Step 2

Open the application into which you want to paste the screenshot.


Step 3

Choose "Edit/Paste" (Ctrl+V or right-click and "Paste") from the menu.

Copying and Pasting the Active Window in a Screenshot

Step 1

Navigate to the active window you want to copy.



Step 2

Hit "Alt+PrintScreen" on your keyboard.

Step 3

Open the application you want to transfer the image into.

Step 4

Select "Edit/Paste" (Ctrl+V or right-click and "Paste") from the menu.


Option 1: Copying and Pasting an Image from Web Browser for Background Use

Step 1

Find the image you want to use as a background.

Step 2

Right-click on the image and click "Save Background As."


Step 3

Browse to the folder where you'd like to save the image.

Step 4

Name the image, but keep its file extension (.gif, .jpg, .png). Then click "Save."

Step 5

Right-click on your Windows desktop and select "Properties."

Step 6

In the "Display Properties" dialog box, choose the "Desktop" tab and hit "Browse."


Step 7

In the "Browse" dialog box, find the folder where you saved the image.

Step 8

Double-click on the image you want to use. This will take you back into the "Display Properties" dialog box.

Step 9

Choose a "Position" for the image (stretched to fit the screen, centered, etc.) and hit OK.

Option 2: Copying and Pasting Image from Web Browser for Background Use

Step 1

Find the image you want to use as a background.

Step 2

Right-click on the image and click "Set As Background".

Step 3

Close or minimize your web browser to view your Windows desktop. You should see the background image you saved.

Copying and Pasting an Image from a PDF Document

Step 1

Open the document you want to use in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Step 2

Click on "Snapshot Tool" (just below the menu) and use it to draw a box around the image.

Step 3

Hit "OK" after the message: "The selected area has been copied to the Clipboard."

Step 4

Open the document you'd like to use the image in.

Step 5

Select "Edit/Paste"(Ctrl+V or right-click and "Paste") from the menu.

