How to Create a Music Database Using Microsoft Access

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Double-clicking certain fields in the music database opens forms for song details.

Among the many tools Microsoft Access offers for managing your data is an online library of database templates. You can customize these templates to make a database for storing information about your music collection. An essential step in this project is configuring Access to allow templates from prior versions of Access to load. Making a music database with Access allows you to manage your music collection, and introduces you to the procedures needed to make other types of databases from templates.


Step 1

Download the Access "Music Collection" database template from the Microsoft Access template gallery.

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Step 2

Make a copy of the downloaded database template by clicking it in Windows Explorer, pressing "Control-C," then pressing "Control-V."


Step 3

Rename the duplicated database "MyMusicDatabase," or another title that describes your music interests.

Step 4

Open Access, then click the Microsoft Office button at the top left of the introductory Access screen.


Step 5

Click the "Trust Center" link in the left pane. The "Trust Center" is a configuration window you use to tell Access you want to load databases from older versions of Access. The music database is one from a previous version of Access.

Step 6

Click the "Trust Center" button at the bottom of the current window, then click the "Locations" link in the left pane.


Step 7

Click the "Add location" button at the bottom of the current screen, then enter the name of the folder you downloaded the music database template to. This step tells Access to allow macros from all databases in the folder you indicated to run.


Step 8

Close all open windows by clicking their "OK" buttons.


Step 9

Double-click, in Windows Explorer, the "MyMusicDatabase" file you made in Step 2. Access will open the file.

Step 10

Click the "Enter Recordings" link that appears in the introductory screen, then click the right-most icon with the right arrow, at the bottom of the data entry pane. This creates a blank record for you to enter a song's information into.


Step 11

Type, in each field of the form, the information that describes a song whose details you want to store in the database. For example, in the "Title" field type "Hey Jude" or another song title. Repeat this step for each song you want to enter in the database.

Step 12

Close the "Recordings" entry window by clicking its "X" icon in the window's upper right corner.


Step 13

Display the reports menu by clicking the "Reports" link in the main screen.

Step 14

Click any of the links that appears in the current form to display a report providing information on your music data. For example, click "Artist Report" to display a report with information about singers and musicians.

Step 15

Click the "Exit" button at the bottom of the "Report" form when you're done managing your music data.

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