How to Delete Temporary Word Documents

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Image Credit: Siri Stafford/Digital Vision/Getty Images

Microsoft Word automatically creates temporary files for any document you view in the Word program--even if you do not save the file. The temporary files are supposed to be deleted when you close the program, but sometimes this is not always the case. Files get scattered on your hard drive and can remain there until you search for them and delete them manually. Use the search bar to find all of these temporary word files on your computer and delete them to ensure a cleaner a hard driver.


Step 1

Close Microsoft Word and restart your computer. The temporary files are supposed to be deleted once the program is closed, so try this first.

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Step 2

Open any folders where you normally save documents. Under Windows explorer, select "Tools," then "Folder Options." Select the "View" tab and scroll down under "Files and Folders." Make sure the box is checked next to "Show Hidden files and folders." Now when you look under those saved folders, you will see any hidden ".tmp" or ".doc" files. Delete any that you do not want.


Step 3

Search for all the other randomly located temporary files and delete them manually. Select the "Start" button and then in the search bar type ".tmp" to see a list of all these file types. Some files may not show up, so you will need to then select "Search Everywhere." Expand the "Advanced Search" option located at the top right pane, and then check the box next to "Include non-indexed, hidden, and system files."



Step 4

Delete any .tmp files that pop up under the search. Not all of these will be temporary Word files. Some will include other random temporary files and folders. These files are safe to delete however, and it is impossible at time to distinguish which files are from which programs.

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