How to Demote Bullet Points One Level on PowerPoint

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Open just about any PowerPoint template, click through a few slides and you'll see bullets reigning over the presentation. Bullets break up text and make points easier for the audience to read and for the presenter to discuss. Whether you're working on a PowerPoint template, creating your own or editing an existing one, you can change bullet style hierarchy at any time. Demoting bullet points moves them to the right, which is a way of reducing the impact of the bulleted text.


Step 1

Open PowerPoint. Click the "File" tab and select "Open." Browse to the slideshow with the bullets to demote and double-click the presentation name.

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Step 2

Press the "PgDn" or "Page Down" key on the keyboard to scroll to the slide with the bullet to demote.


Step 3

Click the cursor to the left of the first character in the line to demote, to the right of the bullet -- the bullet itself is not clickable, but will move with the text.


Step 4

Press the "Tab" key on the keyboard once. The bullet and text shift to the right. Each pressing of the "Tab" key shifts the bullet over one more tab section.

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