How to Describe a Website

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Your website description is a critical aspect of success. The description is displayed below the title of your site in search engine results and could be the deciding factor if a customer visits your site. Write a description that will be relevant to searchers and understandable to search engines.


Step 1

Keep it short. Search engines will not display an entire paragraph of information so try to keep your description under 30 words.

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Step 2

Include your most important keywords in the description. Test strings of keywords your are considering on search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. If you sell plumbing supplies, for example, you will want the keywords "plumbing supplies" to appear in your description. Tell visitors what you want them to do. For example: "Find the best restaurants on the North Shore."


Step 3

Approach the description from the perspective of a potential customer. Try to find things that are unique about your business and may inspire a customer to click your link. Are you the oldest in the marketplace? Have you won awards? Do you have specific expertise? Any unique selling point should be in the description.


Step 4

Proofread your description for grammatical errors and clarity. A person reading the description should know what your website is about in a few seconds -- if they cannot figure it out, they will move to another website.


Step 5

Avoid misleading customers. Use your description to explain your site, not to make false claims. If your description does not match the content of your site, customers will leave and you may be penalized by search engines. Avoid naming your competitors.


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Tips & Warnings

  • Do not stuff your description with repeated keywords.
  • Keep your description to two or three sentences.
  • Use short, direct sentences with action verbs.

