How to Design a Souvenir Program

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Choosing paper quality is part of the design.

A souvenir program goes beyond the basics of an ordinary program and creates a keepsake that audiences and visitors will return to again as a reminder of a special occasion. To design a souvenir brochure for an occasion such as a concert, festival or exhibition, you'll need a desktop publishing program such as Quark, Microsoft Publisher or CorelDRAW.


Step 1

Write a list of contents. A souvenir program should include a front and back cover, a contents page, advertising space for sponsors, program/schedule information, credits, pictures, articles and other relevant information.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Create a front cover. It should contain the name of the event, logos or names of main sponsors and other relevant information, such as date, venue and the price of the program. To transform it from an ordinary program to a souvenir, include images, preferably in color.


Step 3

Create a back cover. This often contains copyright information toward the bottom of the page. It's also a useful place for advertising or announcements for future events.

Step 4

Set a style for the entire document. Elements of the style include a consistent margin, and font settings for headings, subheadings and the main text.


Step 5

Create the contents page, if your souvenir program has more than four pages. Place names of pages on the left and page numbers on the right, aligned neatly.

Step 6

Create program or schedule pages. Use tables or consistent indentation to align each column, such as times, venues and names.


Step 7

Create other pages, keeping a balance of text and images. A page consisting completely of text does not appeal to the reader, making a poor souvenir. Ideas for additional pages include articles about the artists or performers, the history of a venue, photo albums of previous events and guides to other local attractions and facilities.



Step 8

Design advertisements according to the wishes of each advertiser regarding text, images, size and location. Failing to deliver exactly what the advertiser has paid for can cost you money.

Step 9

Proofread the entire document and ask others to proofread. Minor mistakes and oversights rob a souvenir program of its professional quality.


Step 10

Choose a high-quality paper type for the final product. Printers often choose gloss paper for the cover, for example, as this gives the program a slick, shiny appearance.

Video of the Day


