How to Disable an Internet Filter

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Disabling filters that are associated with your Internet Explorer can either prohibit or grant access to certain areas, search results and websites online. This Internet browsing feature is an option that everyone has access to, regardless of the version of your exploring browser and operating system. You can easily adjust these settings, with simple instructions to personalize your Internet browser's settings to your liking.


How to Disable An Internet Filter

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Step 1

Access your computer's Control Panel, which can be done by clicking on the "Start" icon on your computer's taskbar at the bottom of your desktop screen. The "Start" menu will display a list of options and programs you can access within your computer. Locate the folder tab that reads, "Control Panel" and click on it. When your Control Panel dialog screen appears, it will display a list of action folders and a left panel with viewing options.


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Step 2

Click on the "Classic View" option in the left panel to adjust the thumbnail icons. Click on the "Internet Options" icon, which will be the third icon from the left on the second row of icons. When the Internet Options dialog box appears, click on the "Security" tab and click on the "Custom" box, which will be located within the Security tab. The "Security Settings--Internet Zone" dialog screen will appear with several filtering options and other advance settings you can adjust. Scroll through the list and adjust each filtering option you desire to disable by pressing each, individual radio button next to the disabling option.


Step 3

Change the security level settings option at the bottom of the "Security Settings--Internet Zone" dialog screen. Click on the drop box menu you will see at the below the filtering options. Change this setting to "Custom", so your security level settings correlate with your recent filtering adjustments. Click "Ok" to incorporate these settings to your Internet browser. You will be redirected back to your original Internet Options dialog screen.


Step 4

Click on the "Advanced" tab, which is the last tab you will see on the Internet Options' tab menu. Scroll down to the "Browsing" subtopic . Uncheck the "Script Debugging" option to disable its functionality. This will help you to avoid functional problems with your previous filtering adjustments. Scroll to the bottom of the list of topics and check the only unchecked warning box. This box should read, "Warn if changing between secure and not secure mode". This setting will also assist you in eliminating the possibility of unnecessary problems.


Tips & Warnings

  • Keep your Internet security software suite up-to-date. If you do not have a security software suite, please obtain one. This will provide you with strong provisions and consultation to assist you with making sound decisions in the best interest of your computer and personal safety.
  • Do not disable your firewall. This setting is a strong security precaution that will always be benefit of your computer. It should always be enabled and up-to-date.

