How to Disable Debug in VBA in Excel

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Microsoft Excel relies on the Visual Basic language for some of its advanced features, including macros. When a Visual Basic macro generates an error in Excel, it presents the user with an option to debug the underlying code. If selected, this option opens the macro code in a Visual Basic editing window. Disable the debug option to protect the underlying code in your Excel workbook macros.


Step 1

Go to File, Options and then Customize Ribbon. In the Customize the Ribbon (Main Tabs) window pane, check the Developer option. Excel will now display a ribbon tab named Developer.

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Step 2

Return to the Excel workbook or worksheet. Click the Developer tab and then Visual Basic Editor button on the left of the main ribbon menu.

Step 3

In the Visual Basic editor window, click Tools then VBAProject Properties.

Step 4

Click the Protection tab. Click to place a check next to Lock project for viewing. Enter a password in the applicable field, then type the password again in the confirmation field. Click the OK button.


Step 5

Save the workbook, then close and reopen it for the changes to take effect.

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