How to Disable Microsoft OneNote

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Disabling Microsoft OneNote can free up computer resources for other programs.
Image Credit: tetmc/iStock/Getty Images

While Microsoft OneNote is a useful program for keeping your notes organized, it can increase your PC's boot time and use valuable resources if it automatically starts when your PC boots. Preventing OneNote from automatically starting does not require you to remove the program from your computer. If you use Windows 8, you can prevent the program from starting by disabling it in the Startup section of the Task Manager. If your version of Windows is XP, Vista or Windows 7, you can find the option to disable OneNote in the System Configuration utility.


Windows 8.1 Task Manager

Video of the Day

Step 1

Right-click on the "Start" button, then select "Task Manager" from the Quick Access menu.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Click "More Details," then select the "Startup" tab.


Step 3

Select "Microsoft OneNote," then click the "Disable" button.

Windows 7 and Vista System Configuration Utility

Step 1

Click the "Start" button, then enter "msconfig" in the Search box.


Step 2

Choose "msconfig.exe" from the Results list, then click the "Startup" tab.

Step 3

Clear the check box next to "Microsoft OneNote," then click the "OK" button.



Step 4

Click the "Restart" button to reboot your PC and apply the change.

Windows XP System Configuration Utility

Step 1

Click the "Start" button, then select "Run."


Step 2

Enter "msconfig" in the Open field, then click "OK."

Step 3

Click the "Startup" tab, then de-select the "Microsoft OneNote" check box.

Step 4

Click "OK," then click the "Restart" button to reboot your computer and save the change.



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