How to Disable HP Updates

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All new computers manufactured by Hewlett Packard (HP) come preinstalled with a program called HP Software Updates. This program connects to a database at HP and then displays any updates that are available for your computer's HP products. Getting updates automatically is generally quick and easy, but not everyone likes to use the program. The HP Updates program can be easily disabled if you do not want to receive automatic updates from HP.


Step 1

Remove the program from the system. Go to Add/Remove Programs by clicking the "Start" button and selecting "Control Panel." Select HP Updates from the list and click the "Update/Remove" button to remove the program.

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Step 2

Remove the program from the startup folder. Click on the "Start" button, go to Programs and then select the "Startup Program" group. Right-click on the HP Updates program and select "Delete" from the context menu to remove the program.


Step 3

Use msconfig to remove the program from startup and to disable the service from running. Click on the "Start" button and select "Run" and type msconfig in the field where it says Open and click the "OK" button. Select the Startup tab, uncheck HP Updates and click the "Apply" button.


Step 4

Use a third-party program to prevent the program from automatically loading from a registry setting. One popular program for this is WinPatrol. After the program has been installed, double-click on the icon in the taskbar. Click on the "Startup Programs" tab, select HP Updates and then click the "Disable" button.



Step 5

Use a registry cleaner to remove leftover registry entries for the program. A popular program to use to clean the Windows registry is RegSeeker. Install the program and then double-click the icon on the desktop. Select "Clean the Registry" on the right and then click the "OK" button to start the cleaning process.

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