How to Enable, Configure and Use a VLC Plugin in Firefox

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Image Credit: Jacob Ammentorp Lund/iStock/Getty Images

VideoLAN, otherwise known as VLC, enables online video playback capabilities through its optional Web browser multimedia plugin. Once enabled and configured, Firefox can play compatible file types directly from their source location; so you don't have to download them to your computer. Installing the VLC Web Plugin requires the latest version of the desktop application to be present on your computer.


Install the VLC Desktop Application

Video of the Day

Step 1

Download the VLC installation file from its official website (link in Resources), then launch it to initialize the setup procedure.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Select the installation's default language, then click "Next" on the Welcome screen.


Step 3

Read the program's license agreement, then click "Next" to continue.

Step 4

Click to enable the "Mozilla Plugin" check box, which installs the VLC plugin to your Firefox Web browser. Toggle all other options according to your needs or keep the installation's default settings.


Step 5

Enter the program's desired installation directory; its default path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN."

Step 6

Click "Install" and allow VLC to complete the installation process.


Configure VLC Web Plugin

Step 1

Open your Firebox Web browser; click the Firefox menu, followed by "Add-ons."

Step 2

Click the "Plugins" option, then navigate to the VLC Web Plugin applet.


Step 3

Click the available drop-down menu and select whether to "Always Activate" the plugin, "Ask to Activate" or to "Never Activate." The first option plays multimedia files from the Web browser automatically; the second asks permission before playing them, while the third option prompts you to download the file to your computer.

Step 4

Close the Add-ons menu. Settings are saved automatically and do not require you to restart the Web browser.



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