How to Find a Lost Start Button in Microsoft Windows

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Sometimes your "Start" button will disappear from your Microsoft Windows desktop. When this happens, the task bar with the "Start" button on it is most likely hidden off-screen. The "Start" button is usually located in the bottom-left corner. If it disappears, you can get it back.


Step 1

Move your cursor to the bottom of the screen -- or to the last location of the "Start" button.

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Step 2

Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the task bar to the desired height when the cursor turns into a thin arrow pointing up and down.


Step 3

Click "Start" once it's showing. Click "Control Panel," "Appearance and Personalization" and then "Taskbar and Start Menu." Un-check the box next to Auto-Hide the Taskbar and click "OK." Your "Start" button should not hide anymore.


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