How to Fix the Eee PC Black Screen

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Netbook Troubleshooting

In 2009, netbooks became a popular alternative to laptop computers. Netbooks are compact, lightweight and inexpensive computers. They are smaller than traditional laptops, and are used for basic tasks such as email and web browsing. Eee PC is a popular brand of netbook. Like all technology, Eee PCs are susceptible to hardware malfunctions. In particular, your Eee PC's screen might suddenly appear black. Fortunately, there is a way to bypass the black screen and restore the netbook to working order.


All Operating Systems

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Step 1

Remove any discs in the computer.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Hold the power button down until the computer turns off.


Step 3

Press the power button to turn the computer on. If this doesn't work, proceed to step four.

Step 4

Remove the battery and unplug the netbook. Wait 30 seconds.

Step 5

Reinstall the battery and plug in the netbook.


Step 6

Press the power button for ten seconds. If this doesn't work, proceed to step 7.

Step 7

Insert the end of a paperclip into the reset button to reset the netbook. The reset button is a small hole that usually appears next to the USB and other ports.



Windows 7

Step 1

Create a new Notepad file.

Step 2

Type this code:

taskkill /F /IM dwm.exe


Step 3

Save the file as displayfix.bat in the following location: C:/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Startup

Step 4

Restart your computer.


