How to Have My Computer Recognize My Camera

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Digital cameras are the ultimate shortcut in the photography world because they offer the convenience of taking pictures, printing and sharing them right from your computer. This convenience, however, can turn ugly when you can't seem to get your computer to recognize your digital camera. While there are many reasons for digital camera connection problems, you can certainly solve a bulk of them with some simple troubleshooting steps and guidelines.


Step 1

Restart your computer. This is often the simplest solution to resolving USB port problems that frequently occur.

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Step 2

Plug your camera into an open USB port using the supplied USB cable. Turn on the camera and wait to hear the detection beep that sounds when your computer recognizes the device.


Step 3

Disconnect the device the device if your computer does not recognize it. Try using a different USB port. If that does not work, your computer might be experiencing a USB port power surge-a common problem especially for Windows computers. To resolove USB port power surge problems, disconnect all devices connected to USB ports and connect the camera alone. Turn it on. Continue normal use if your computer detects it.


Step 4

Uninstall any software applications your USB camera relies on to function. A corrupt software can cause communication problems between the camera and your computer.


Step 5

Reinstall the camera software using the installation disc that comes with your device. Check your camera manufacturer's website for a software download if you do not have an installation disc. Run the installation and reinstall the software and drivers to your computer.


Step 6

Remove the memory card from the memory card slot on your camera if your computer still does not detect it. If your computer has a memory card slot, plug the card in and wait for the detection. Use a card reader if your computer does not have a built-in memory card slot. Wait for your computer to detect the memory card. You can confirm the detection by clicking "My Computer" on the desktop if you are a Windows user. You should see your memory card listed as a removal hard drive. For Mac users, the memory card is displayed on the desktop.

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