How to Hook Up a Samsung HDTV With a DirecTV Receiver

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Samsung HDTVs have one to four HDMI input connectors. All current DirecTV receivers have an HDMI output. The simplest way to hook up a Samsung HDTV with a DirecTV receiver is to connect an HDMI cable between both devices. Televisions rarely have a good sound system. An alternate hookup would be to connect an audio cable from the DirecTV receiver to an audio receiver. This will allow you to hear the transmitted sound using your high-fidelity receiver and speakers.


Step 1

Connect one end of the HDMI cable to the DirecTV receiver. Connect the other end to one of the HDMI inputs on the Samsung television. Turn on your television. Use your television's remote control to change the input to match the connector you chose. Confirm that you are able to see the video signal from the DirecTV receiver.


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Step 2

Insert a fiber-optic cable into the digital audio output connector on the back panel of the DirecTV receiver. The small door that blocks the connector moves out of the way, as you insert the cable. Push on the connector until it is seated firmly.

Step 3

Insert the other end of the cable into the fiber-optic input on your audio receiver. Turn the audio receiver on and select the appropriate input. Select a channel on your DirecTV receiver and adjust the volume on the audio receiver.



Step 4

Follow the instructions in the DirecTV manual to program your remote. You want the remote to control the audio receiver's power. You also want it to adjust the volume and control the mute function.

Step 5

Turn the volume on the Samsung television to the minimum setting to avoid an echo effect between the two receivers. There will be a slight delay between the two audio streams that could be very distracting.

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