How to Hook Up the Yagi Antenna to a Router

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Adding a Yagi antenna to your Wi-Fi router can allow it to repeat the signal of a distant network.

A Yagi antenna (or Yagi Uda antenna) uses the principle of parasitic elements in antennas to create a powerful directional antenna. These antennas were invented in Japan and have spread across the globe due to their extreme efficiency at transmitting and receiving a directional signal over a long range. Hooking a Yagi antenna to a Wi-Fi router can allow you to receive and repeat a distant network signal. You may wish to share a network connection with another structure on your property without the need for running cable. A Yagi antenna attached to a repeating router will do the trick.


Step 1

Disconnect one of the antennas from the back of your Wi-Fi router. Plug the cable from your Yagi antenna into the empty antenna socket. Point the antenna in the direction of the network you wish to repeat.

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Step 2

Plug your computer into your Wi-Fi router and access the router configuration page (often found at but your settings may have changed). In the DD-WRT Basic Configuration page, change the router's IP address to "" so the router will not interfere with the network you are trying to repeat. Click "Save."


Step 3

Click on the "Status" tab at the top and then on the "Wireless" tab underneath. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "Site Survey" button. Click the "Join" button next to the name of the network you wish to repeat. Click "Continue." Wait for the change to take effect.



Step 4

Change the "Wireless Mode" drop-down menu from "Client" to "Repeater." Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.

Step 5

Click "Add" under "Virtual Interface" and create a name for your repeated network. You will connect to this network name when you are close to this router. If the network you're repeating has wireless encryption, you will need to enter the password and encryption type by clicking on the "Wireless Security" tab. Then select security mode for the "Physical Interface" (the remote router) and enter the password. Click "Apply Setting" to reboot the router.

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