How to Import KML Files Into Google SketchUp

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If you want to add a point of interest to Google Earth, then you might have created a Keyhole Markup Language file. KML files contain geographic coordinates and geometric data that users can overlay onto Google Earth terrain maps to highlight interesting features and display 3-D building outlines. The Google SketchUp service uses the data in the KML file to draw the building or feature before you overlay it onto Google Earth. To import KML files into Google SketchUp, first upload the files to an online file hosting service, then upload them with the "Add KML Overlay" tool.


Step 1

Launch your Web browser and navigate to your preferred file hosting service. Choose from several free online hosts, including Google Docs, Google Maps or Dropbox.

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Step 2

Upload the KML files that you want to import into Google SketchUp. Write down or copy the Uniform Resource Locator address of the uploaded KML file.


Step 3

Log in to your Google SketchUp account. Click "Building Maker" from the main menu and wait for this online application to load.

Step 4

Click "Add KML Overlay" in the bottom left-hand corner of the Building Maker screen. This launches the Add KML Overlay dialog window.



Step 5

Type or paste the URL of the uploaded KML file into the input field. Click the "OK" button. This imports the KML file into Google SketchUp. Repeat these steps for each KML file you want to import.

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