How to Increase the Volume on Hulu

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You sit down at your computer, eager to watch the latest episode of your favorite show on and you can't hear a thing. It happens to even the most tech savvy people. Incorrect settings can mute your Hulu show. In fact, settings on both the Hulu website and your computer could be the culprit, but fixing the problem is easy. Increase the volume on Hulu by running through each possible cause of the problem from the server to your computer.


Step 1

Find the in-screen Hulu volume changer. Click on the speaker symbol in the lower right corner of your viewing screen. Notice the vertical volume bar marked by a small blue circle. Raise the volume by holding the cursor down on the blue dot and dragging it upward to increase the volume.

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Step 2

Change the sound settings on your PC computer. Go to "Start" then "Control Panel" then "Audio and Sound Settings." You should see four vertical volume bars. Make sure all volume bars are raised to maximum capacity. Also check that the "Mute All" box, located in the lower left hand corner, is unchecked.


If you have a Mac computer, go to Step 3.

Step 3

Change the sound settings on your Mac computer by clicking the speaker icon in the top right corner of your desktop screen. Click the icon once and note the small blue orb located on the vertical volume control. Click the small blue orb and hold down the mouse as you raise the orb's position on the volume control scale.



Step 4

Restart your computer if the volume settings do not take effect immediately. Restarting is often necessary if you changed you Mac or PC computer volume settings, not just those on the Hulu viewing screen. Return to Hulu once your new volume settings have taken effect.

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