How to Know if Your TV Has a CableCard

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Check the back of your TV set for a CableCard connection.

A CableCard connection replaces the standard cable-television set-top box receiver with a credit card-sized device that plugs into your television set. Using a CableCard connection instead of a set-top receiver can help to streamline your home theater system or television viewing equipment because you don't need a separate receiver and cables to access your cable television service. The incoming signal cable plugs straight into the CableCard, which plugs directly into your television set. You can find out if your TV set has a CableCard by checking the back or side panel of the set.


Step 1

Switch off all TV equipment and disconnect it from the main AC power supply.

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Step 2

Move the TV set so that you can comfortably access and view the back of the set.

Step 3

Look carefully at the rear panel. This contains many connection jacks and sockets for connecting the TV to an antenna, cable television, set-top boxes, DVD and Blue-ray players. CableCards plug into a 68-pin card slot. Look for a socket on the back of the TV set that matches this description. The CableCard socket might be labeled "Cable," "Cable TV" or "CableCard."



Step 4

Look at both side panels on the TV set. Some manufacturers place the CableCard slot on the side of the receiver because it's easier to access than the back of the set.

Step 5

Move the TV set back into position when you've finished checking the rear and side panels. Plug your TV equipment into the main AC power supply.

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