How to Know if Your TV Supports HDCP

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Many new high-definition televisions are HDCP-compliant.

The term HDCP stands for High Digital Content Protection. HDCP is sometimes used on high-definition video cables such as HDMI and DVI connectors and ports. It is an encryption system created by Intel to help prevent the copying of digital video and audio content. HDCP is used to prevent the display of bootleg movies and games on an HDCP-equipped television. If you're buying a new TV, the website Digital Connection recommends getting one that is HDCP-compliant to make sure it is compatible with Blu-ray, DVD and game systems you purchase in the future.


Step 1

Check the box hat comes with your television. Makers of televisions that use the HDCP system must obtain a license from Intel, and will often display that the TV Is HDCP compliant on the box.

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Step 2

Consult the user manual of your television. Read the video-cable section and see if it lists HDCP anywhere among the definitions of video ports. If it does not, your television is likely not HDCP-compliant.


Step 3

Call the customer service line for the manufacturer of your high-definition television. Give the representative the model number of your television and ask if it is HDCP-compliant.


Step 4

Connect a non-HDCP compliant DVD player, game system, or Blu-ray player to your television. If the picture appears snowy, fuzzy, or does not display at all, your television is HDCP compliant.

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