Computer users can create many objects by combining several keyboard letters, symbols and numbers in a sequence. These "drawings" range from simple emoticons like the smiley face, which looks like ":)," to more complex sequences that create realistic images of tigers, human faces and more. If you are an animal lover or are posting on a pet forum, include a paw print made from symbols on the keyboard as your signature. A keyboard paw print is universal, working for either cats or dogs.
Step 1
Open a new document in a word processing program.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Enter the symbol "<" followed by a capital "O." Hit "Enter."
Step 3
Type the symbol "<" again, followed by another capital "O." Hit the space bar once, then type two hyphens, which look like "--."
<O <O --
Step 4
Press the space bar once, then type a capital "O." Hit the "Enter" key.
<O <O -- O
Step 5
Insert the symbol "<" once more. Follow this with a capital "O" to finish your paw print.
<O <O -- O <O
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