How to Make a Star With the Wingdings Font

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The Wingdings font has been a feature of Microsoft's productivity tools since 1992. The font replaces letters with symbols that represent various graphic elements including arrows, mailboxes, check boxes, computer components, and a wide range of geometric shapes. While you can swap your font to Wingdings and press every button on the keyboard until you find a star you like, there's a faster method for browsing through the font's library.


Inserting a Symbol

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Step 1

Open Microsoft Word and then select the "Insert" tab. This tab gives you access to a wide range of symbols and characters.

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Step 2

Click "Symbols," select "Symbol," and then click "More Symbols."


Step 3

Select Wingdings in the Font drop-down. Use the scroll bar on the right to browse through the available Wingdings symbols until you find the right star for your project.

Step 4

Click the star to select it and then click "Insert" to add it to your document. The symbol will be added at your cursor's current location.


Use Wingdings Stars as Bullets

Step 1

Open Microsoft Word. Click the "Home" tab to view Word's basic editing tools.


Step 2

Click the small down-arrow next to the bullet tool. Select the "Define New Bullet" option from the menu. This option allows you to set custom bullet icons.


Step 3

Click "Symbol" in the "Define New Bullet" window. Choose the Wingdings font on the "Font" section and scroll through the map to find the star you wish you use. Click "OK."

Step 4

Click "OK" again in the "Define New Bullet" window. You can now use the bullet tool drop-down to select the Wingdings star whenever you want to make a bulleted list.


