How to Make a Website in Powerpoint

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Microsoft's PowerPoint software is regularly used to build slide-show presentations designed to convey your message to an audience, whether in person or at a kiosk. PowerPoint can be stretched to do much more for you, including turning a presentation into a website. You utilize the software as you normally do, laying out the content of each slide in a visual environment. Links may be embedded in objects or text to hyperlink the pages together, creating a multi-page site.


Step 1

Select the "File" tab on the Ribbon menu. Click "New" on the menu panel and select "Blank Presentation" as the template to use. Click the "Create" button to start developing the presentation.

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Step 2

Add your website content to the slides. Each PowerPoint slide represents a single page on your web site.


Step 3

Add hyperlinks to objects on your slides to link them to other slides. For example, place a button-shaped image on one of your pages. Click once to select the shape. Select "Insert" from the Ribbon menu and then click the "Hyperlink" icon. On the "Insert Hyperlink" dialog, click the "Place in this Document" icon. Select the page to which the link should send your website visitors, in this case, another PowerPoint page. Click "OK."


Step 4

Select the "File" tab and click "Save" to save your work as a PowerPoint presentation. This will make it easier to return to edit the slides at a later time.


Step 5

Select the "Developer" tab on the Ribbon menu and click the "Visual Basic" icon, or press "Alt-F11."


Step 6

Press "Ctrl-G" to open the "Immediate" processing window. Type the following code in the window, replacing , and with values that match your development environment:

ActivePresentation.SaveAs ":\users<username>\desktop<filename>.htm", ppSaveAsHTML, msoFalse

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