How to Convert RCA to USB Adapter Cables

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How to Convert RCA to USB Adapter Cables
Image Credit: pinglabel/iStock/GettyImages

For those who have worked with standard audiovisual equipment, RCA cables should be very familiar. First introduced by the Radio Corporation of America, RCA cables allow for the transmission of standard audio and video signals among a variety of industry standard hardware used frequently today. USB, or Universal Serial Bus, is yet another near ubiquitous element of modern computing. Building your own RCA to USB adapter is all but impossible for individuals who are not experts at microprocessor construction and computer hardware. However, you can use a variety of prebuilt components to build an RCA to USB adapter cable that will allow you to seamlessly convert an RCA-compatible signal into USB format.


Basics of Cable Adapters

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For an RCA cable to work effectively, it requires three individual plugs, each of which is composed of two distinct wires. One of these wires is used to transfer data, while the other acts as a grounding source to ensure safe functionality. You can understand the basic functionality of these cables without having to rely on an RCA video cable wiring diagram. However, as the complexity of a device and its signal routing increases, it is common for RCA connectors to be substituted with USB connections.


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Unlike RCA cables, which feature a relatively streamlined design, working with the interior cabling and design of a USB cable requires the assistance of a specialist or expert. Because of this, it is not entirely practical for an individual to attempt any form of cable "splicing."


Limitations for Users

On a fundamental level, RCA and USB rely on completely different forms of data transfer. Simply put, RCA signals cannot be transported through a USB connection unless some form of conversion occurs prior. Although it is possible to create or modify a pre-existing RCA cable by splicing wiring, the average user cannot create their own RCA to USB adapter.


The mechanics involved in creating a properly functioning adapter require expert-level knowledge not only of RCA and USB connectivity but also of circuit board development and electronics. Generally speaking, it would be impossible for the vast majority of users to create their own adapter.


Practical Considerations For RCA to USB Conversion

By far the simplest method of creating an effective RCA to USB cable is to purchase an RCA to USB adapter directly and attach it to a pre-existing RCA cable.


The mechanics of these adapters is relatively straightforward. One end of the RCA cable should be plugged directly into the standard RCA compatible plugs on your audio hardware. Your USB adapter should include three sockets, one for each of the three RCA connectors on the cable. Make sure that you effectively secure each of the RCA plugs into the adapter.


Once this has been completed, you can plug the USB end of the connector directly into your USB compatible device. At this point, you should have created a properly functioning connection between your USB device and your RCA audio equipment. You can now test your connection by outputting a signal from whichever device is currently acting as the audio output source. If the signal is received, your cable has been created successfully.


Other Options to Consider

You can also purchase a prebuilt USB to AV cable/USB to RCA cable directly from a wide variety of major vendors. In fact, you may discover that a prebuilt RCA to USB cable is actually cheaper and less time-intensive than purchasing the adapter and cable separately.


RCA to USB cables are commonly available in a variety of lengths, meaning that you should be able to find a cable that matches your specific needs. As the length of the cable increases, you can expect the price of the cable to increase. If you require a cable that is extremely long, using an adapter may be far more cost effective than purchasing a prebuilt cable.


