How to Record a Movie on Your Computer

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Streaming movies and video files is part of everyday life for many computer owners. You may want or need to preserve some of these video files for later use. Because you cannot always depend on a video stream, recording these movie files is the best way to preserve them. Fortunately, you can now record a movie on your computer any time by using video recording or capturing software.


Step 1

Set up your movie stream to play. Use an area that you can easily record. Load this video into an area that preserves its maximum visual quality, but is not too large. Standard YouTube video windows of 425 by 350 pixels are a fine default size.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Create a record window. Select the "Set Recording Area" function or your video recording program's equivalent. Click and drag to set the exact area of your screen from which you would like to record. This should be the exact area of the movie you wish to record.


Step 3

Set your capture options in the video recording software interface. Use the interface's control panel to determine the quality and file type settings for your recorded video file.


Step 4

Push "Start" or "Record" on your video recording software to begin recording.


Step 5

Play your movie. Move your mouse cursor away from the recording area immediately if you do not want it to be a part of the new video.

Step 6

Push "Finish" or "Stop" on your video recording software when the movie has completed.

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