How to Repair a Cell Phone Charger

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Every phone requires a charger to function for a long period of time.

Cell phone chargers can be a rather delicate phone necessity. They are made up of an AC adapter that is connected to a thin wire and a set of flexible prongs that insert into the charger port of your phone. You may have a pet that can easily chew through that wire or maybe you jammed the charger into your phone's port the wrong way. The wire can be frayed or broken completely or the prongs on the end of the charger could easily bend. Rather than spend the money to get a new charger, it makes more sense to repair it at home.


Bent Prongs

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Step 1

View the prongs through a magnifying glass on the end of the charger that is farthest from the AC adapter wall plug, to accurately assess which are damaged.

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Step 2

Grab the end of a bent prong with a pair of tweezers. Pull the prong gently to a straight position. Repeat this for each bent prong.


Step 3

Test the straightness of the pins by gently pressing the charger into the charger port of the phone. The prongs of the charger should very easily glide into the cell phone. Resistance means the prongs need more straightening.

Broken or Frayed Wire

Step 1

Cut the cord with a pair of scissors if the cord is simply frayed. Cut the ragged edge off each side of the cut or if the wire was previously broken. Each side of the cut or break should be free of stray wires and frayed insulation.



Step 2

Strip about an inch of insulation from both sides of the cut. This will expose the wires.

Step 3

Twist together the wires from each side of the cut. Match the colors of the wires on one side to the corresponding wires on the other side of the cut. Wire colors may vary depending on your phone.

Step 4

Wrap the exposed wires snuggly with electrical tape.



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