Typing in MS Word Is Slow

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Slow typing caused by a problem in Word can be frustrating and time consuming.

Microsoft Word may be one of the highest-selling word processing programs in the world, but that does not stop it from having the occasional problem. One problem that many Word users experience is slow typing, or typing lag. There are several reasons that your Word document may be slow to type: you may be missing a service pack, you may have a corrupted MS Word program or other applications may be conflicting with Word.


Step 1

Install the latest service pack for your version of Microsoft Office. Service packs are software updates that Windows create on a regular basis and they help prevent any old bugs, glitches or performance issues. You can find the latest service pack by visiting the Windows Download Center and using the "Service Packs" option on the right side of the web page.


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Also, ensure that your computer is receiving automatic security updates: this will guarantee that your Office software is always up-to-date. Go to your PC's Control Panel, open the Security Center and make sure that the "Automatic Updates" option is set to "On."

Step 2

Reinstall Microsoft Word. Your typing may be slow because the current version of Microsoft Word is corrupted or faulty. You can easily remedy this by reinstalling the software. Go to the Control Panel and select the "Add or Remove Programs" option. In the new window, scroll down until you find the Microsoft Office version you are currently running. Click the "Change" button and follow the reinstallation instructions.


Alternatively, if your version of Word is 2000, 2002 or 2003 you can directly reinstall the software by opening Word and selecting "Detect and Repair…" in the Help menu. Both methods of reinstalling Word will require your Microsoft Office CD and key code

Step 3

Delete any ".dot" or ".doc" files from your hard drive. These files are temporary files stored by Word and always start with "" (tilde): they are known to cause Microsoft Word to be sluggish and slow. Run the "Search" program from your Start menu and specifically search for "*.dot": this will find any named file that begins with a ~ and ends in .dot. Delete any files that your PC finds from your hard drive.



Once you have deleted these files, run another search for "~*.doc" and delete any files from the results list.

Step 4

Remove the Thinkvantage Password Manager program. This program is specifically tailored for Lonovo computers and is known to cause Microsoft Word to type slower. Simply open your PC's Control Panel and select the "Add or Remove Programs" option. In the new window scroll down until you find the Thinkvantage Password Manager program: click the "Change / Remove" button to uninstall it.

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