What Does It Mean When Someone Deactivates Their Facebook Account?

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Facebook provides you with a global marketing reach, but sometimes you may need some distance.
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If you're going out of town on a lengthy trip and don't have anyone to monitor the page for you, consider deactivating your business's Facebook page and your profile. This option removes the page from Facebook and allows you to restore the account exactly as it is when you are ready.


Preservation of Your Timeline

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Deactivating a Facebook profile preserves all the data on your personal Timeline, images, likes and other information. Your profile is archived in its entirety. When you deactivate your Facebook profile, it automatically unpublishes your business page as well, unless there is another Facebook user listed as an administrator on the page. Any active links to your profile from tags in images and posts are deactivated as well.


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Visibility to Others

Immediately after you deactivate your account, Facebook revokes any access or visibility to it. You cannot access deactivated profiles through search features, either. If you have posted comments on other profiles, the comments will remain, but your name will appear as plain text, not an active link to your profile. Any links to your profile in relationship connections and similar features convert to plain text as well.


No Deactivation Notifications

When you deactivate your Facebook profile, you must confirm the request at the bottom of a page filled with notices about friends who may miss you and other reminders designed to change your mind. If you have hesitated to deactivate your profile and business page because you do not want friends and page fans alerted to the deactivation, be assured that Facebook does not notify anyone of your account status.



Reactivation Process

Restoring your Facebook account happens as quickly as the deactivation. When you log in to your deactivated Facebook account using the email address and password for the account, you must click a confirmation button to indicate that you are ready to restore the profile. Your personal profile and business page will be live immediately after you reinstate the account -- so avoid logging into the account until you are ready to return it to active status.


