What to Do If an Energizer Battery Charger Is Not Working

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Energizer battery chargers are meant to save money and eliminate battery waste by allowing consumers to recharge and reuse batteries. Some users may experience issues when using their Energizer battery chargers because of misuse or normal wear and tear.

Check Connections

Make sure that the charger is plugged in correctly either to the wall or to your device. If your Energizer battery charger has a removable power cord, check that the cord is properly attached to the charger. Also make sure that any batteries being charged are loaded into the charger in the correct manner as indicated on the charger.


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Check Batteries

Make sure that any batteries in the charger are reusable Energizer batteries. It is important that the batteries are compatible with the charger you are using. Otherwise the charge may not work properly.



Check your charger to make sure it is free of defects. Make sure any installed batteries are not leaking and there is no acid erosion on any of the connectors. Look to make sure the charger is not cracked or otherwise damaged. If applicable to your charger, you can also check the Energizer website to see if the software on your charger, particularly those for computers or cell phones, is up to date.




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