Can You Disable the Light on a Logitech QuickCam?

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The QuickCam indicator light is intended to alert you to a live camera.
Image Credit: Monkey Business Images/Monkey Business/Getty Images

Logitech's QuickCam webcam series feature a small LED light that indicates to the user when the camera is active. The LED indicator is enabled by default on all QuickCam models, but certain models offer users the option to disable it. Controls for the LED light are found in Logitech's QuickCam drivers; these drivers need to be located and installed before the user is granted control over the LED light. According to Logitech, LED toggling is available only on the QuickCam Pro for Notebooks and the QuickCam Pro 9000.


Download and Install the QuickCam Drivers

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Step 1

Point your Web browser to the Logitech Support and Downloads page (listed in Resources).

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Step 2

Click "Webcams." Scroll through the available webcams until you find your specific webcam, either the QuickCam Pro 9000 or the QuickCam Pro for Notebooks.


Step 3

Select your webcam and then select the "Downloads" tab. Select your operating system in the available drop-down and then click "Download Software."

Step 4

Double-click the webcam software when the download completes. Work your way through the installer by following the on-screen instructions.


Disable the QuickCam LED Light

Step 1

Open the Logitech QuickCam software. This software allows you to control the way your webcam records video, gives you the ability to adjust lighting settings, and enables you to modify focus and exposure.



Step 2

Select the "Advanced Settings" tab.

Step 3

Click the "Off" radial button in the software's "LED Control" section. Close the software when finished -- your changes save automatically.



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