How to Change the Settings on a Webcam

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You can adjust the settings on your webcam.

Webcams come in a wide array of styles and designs, from the very simple to the elite, but they all have one thing in common: They can be adjusted to match your mood at the moment and creative desires.


Step 1

Open your web cam in a chat program, such as Skype. Look for a link called "Preferences," where you will find webcam options you can adjust.

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Step 2

Choose the "Camera Settings" option and another window will open, labeled "Properties." There are more options here that can be adjusted.


Step 3

Change a setting, such as brightness, by clicking on the slider mechanism with your pointer and dragging it. These mechanisms are usually pretty sensitive, so be cautious when moving the settings.


Step 4

Make sure that the image on your webcam is clear and in focus.

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