How to Disable the Zoom on a Touchpad

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If the touchpad zoom is too touchy, you can disable it in the settings window.

The touchpad on a laptop can be a real boon to your computer experience, but it can also be quite a burden. If you find yourself accidentally zooming in on an area of the screen while trying to move the cursor, just disable the zoom feature (sometimes referred to as "pinch") in the touchpad settings window.


Step 1

Click the "Start" button on the desktop (or the "Windows" logo in Vista and Windows 7) and click "Control Panel." Select "Classic View" if not already displayed.

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Step 2

Double-click "Mouse," then click the "Hardware" tab in the "Mouse Properties" window. Select the touchpad and click "Properties."


Step 3

Double-click either "Gesture Settings" or "Scrolling and Zoom," depending on your laptop and touchpad manufacturer. Click the box next to "Enable" under "Zoom" to remove the check and disable the zoom feature. Look for "Pinch" if you don't see a "Zoom" option and click the box next to "Enable Pinch" to disable the zoom feature.


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