How Do I Contact a Seller on Craigslist?

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The most common way to contact a seller who posted on Craigslist is via email. However, this email may not appear valid, because it appears to go to Craigslist. This is normal. Craigslist offers sellers anonymity by encrypting their real email addresses with a Craigslist address. If the seller opts to use this email address, it will look like "[email protected]." Any emails to this address will be automatically redirected to the seller's real email address.


Step 1

Go to Craigslist and locate the seller's ad.

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Step 2

Look at the top of the ad for "Reply-to" to find the seller's email address or the anonymous email address.

Step 3

Click the hyperlinked email address to open a composition window in your default email program and skip to Step 8. If you don't have a default email program set up, continue from Step 4.


Step 4

Click and drag your mouse over the email address to highlight it.

Step 5

Hold the "Ctrl" key and press "C" to copy the address.


Step 6

Open your email software, such as Outlook or a Web-based email service, and open a composition window.


Step 7

Hold the "Ctrl" key and press "V" to paste the address in the "To" field.

Step 8

Compose the email and send it just like any other email.

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