How Do I Crop a Picture Out of a PDF?

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Crop the object out of a PDF file using the Blend Tool in GIMP.
Image Credit: Courtesy of GIMP

GIMP is free image editing software that can open and edit various image format files including PDFs. Editing a PDF in GIMP is like editing a photo; you can easily add or remove objects from your file and export the file in the original or a variety of formats. Using selecting and blending tools from the GIMP Toolbox can help you crop an unwanted object out of a PDF file by covering the object with the background color while leaving the other parts of the file intact.


Step 1

Choose Open... under File.
Image Credit: Courtesy of GIMP

Open GIMP, click File and choose Open... from among the drop-down list.


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Step 2

Choose and open a PDF file.
Image Credit: Courtesy of GIMP

Locate the PDF file you want to edit and click Open from the Open Image window.


Step 3

Click Import.
Image Credit: Courtesy of GIMP

Confirm the page of the PDF file you want to import to GIMP and click Import.


Step 4

Select the object you want to crop using the Rectangle Select Tool.
Image Credit: Courtesy of GIMP

Choose the Rectangle Select Tool from the Toolbox and select the object you want to crop out of the PDF.



Step 5

Choose the Blend Tool.
Image Credit: Courtesy of GIMP

Choose the Blend Tool from the Toolbox.


Step 6

Use the Blend tool.
Image Credit: Courtesy of GIMP

Apply the Blend Tool to the selected area.


Step 7

Choose Fill with BG Color.
Image Credit: Courtesy of GIMP

Right-click the blended area and choose Fill with BG Color under Edit from among the drop-down list to fill the area with the background color.



Step 8

Check the result.
Image Credit: Courtesy of GIMP

Check the result and confirm that the image has been edited out of the PDF document.


Step 9

Click Export As....
Image Credit: Courtesy of GIMP

Go to File and click Export As... to save and export the edited PDF file. As an alternative, select the Export As... function by pressing Shift-Ctrl-E.


Step 10

Save your work.
Image Credit: Courtesy of GIMP

Name the file, navigate to where you want to save it and click Export from the Export Image window to save your work.

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