How to Add a Custom Counter Box to a Facebook Page

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Custom counters can be used to keep track of many different things on Facebook.

On your Facebook profile it is possible to insert an application on your page, which is a feature that performs a specific task on your display. The numerous applications that are provided on the social networking website include a counter that can be placed on your page to record anything that you want, from the number of members that visit your profile to tracking the number of calories you eat in a day. Using the tools provided with your account, it is simple to add a custom counter box to your Facebook page.


Step 1

Log in to your Facebook account and type the word "counter" in the search box. Alternately, you can access the "Application Directory" page to conduct your search.

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Step 2

Click the "Applications" link on the left side to get a listing of all counter applications that you can add to your Facebook page.


Step 3

Scroll through the list of counters and click the "View Application" link next to the titles that you are interested in to see what the application does.

Step 4

Click the "Go to Application" link on the counter page and then click the "Allow" button to generate the page that allows you to specify any preferences for your counter. Continue to follow the prompts that insert the counter box on your page.



Step 5

Click the "Profile" button and locate the counter box on the left side of your page. Click the pencil icon and then select the "Move to Boxes Tab" link to place this feature under your tab at the top of the page.

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