WAV files are one of the most common audio formats for both PC and Mac users. Fortunately, either PC or Mac users can burn their WAVs to an audio CD using the standard program that comes installed with your computer: Windows Media Player for PC users, and Apple iTunes for Mac users. PC users may also use iTunes to burn audio CDs, as this is a cross-platform program.
Burning in Windows Media Player (PC Only)
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Step 1
Download the latest version of Windows Media Player (if you do not already have the program) by visiting its download page (see Resources). Double-click the ".exe" application file to run through the setup process. Agree to the terms of use and launch Windows Media Player.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Add your WAVs to Windows Media Player by clicking the "Organize" tab at the top of the screen. Hold your cursor over the "Manage Libraries" sub-menu and select "Music" to enter the "Music Library Locations" window.
Click the "Add" button, find the folder containing your WAV files, select the "Include Folder" option, and click "OK."
Step 3
Click the "Burn" tab at the top of the screen. Press the "Burn Options" button and select "Audio CD."
Step 4
Insert a blank CD into your disc drive.
Manually drag and drop the WAV files from the middle of the WMP library into the "List Pane" on the right side of your screen.
Step 5
Click the "Start Burn" button to burn your WAV files to audio CD.
Burning CDs with iTunes
Step 1
Open iTunes. If you do not have iTunes, follow the link provided in Resources and download the latest version of the software. Double-click the installation file and run through the install process. Agree to the terms of use and open iTunes.
Step 2
Click "Edit" (if on a PC) or "File" (if on a Mac) and select "Add Folder to Library..."
Browse your hard drive for your input WAV files. Highlight their icons and select "Open" to add them to your iTunes library.
Step 3
Create a new burn playlist by clicking "File" > "New Playlist." Name your list and press "Enter."
Step 4
Drag your WAV files from the iTunes library into the icon for your new playlist on the left side of the screen.
Step 5
Insert a blank CD into your disc drive and click the "Burn Disc" button.