How to Convert a Word Document to a Video

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If you have a particular part of a Word document you would like to use in a video, you can do so using free native programs in Windows. The "Print Screen" tool, along with the program Microsoft Paint, let you capture what's on your screen, such as a Word document, and save it as a picture. The program Windows Movie Maker allows you to take images, videos and music, and combine them into a movie.


Step 1

Double-click your Word document to open it in Microsoft Word. Scroll down to the part you want to convert. Press the "Print Screen" key on your keyboard. It's located next to F12.

Video of the Day

Step 2

Click "Start" and select "All Programs," then "Accessories," followed by "Paint." Click "Edit" in Paint and select "Paste." The Word document image appears. Click "File" and select "Save."


Step 3

Click "Start" in Windows and select "Windows Movie Maker," under "All Programs."

Step 4

Click "File" in Windows Movie Maker and select "Import Media Items." Select the Word image and click "Import." Click and drag the image down to the "Video" section below.



Step 5

Import any music you want as well, and drag it down to the "Audio" section. Click on the image where it appears under the Video section time line and stretch it out so that it plays from the "0" mark to the end of the song. Click "File" and select "Save" to save the video.

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