How to Copy & Paste Clip Art

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Clip art can make your document more attractive and interesting.

Clip art -- typically, a drawing that shows an item or illustrates a concept -- can be a fun and quick way to jazz up a document or message. You can use the copy-and-paste feature on your computer to add clip art to your document. Remember to use only clip art that you have permission to use.


Step 1

Find the clip art that you want to use. You can find clip art on websites such as, Classroom Clipart and #1 Free Clipart (see Resources).

Video of the Day

Step 2

Open the clipart file, and put your cursor on the image. Right-click the image, and then click "Copy" or "Copy Image." (Some clipart sites have a "Copy" button on the Web page that you can use to copy the clipart image.)


Step 3

Locate the place in your document where you want to paste the clip art. Click that place to put the cursor there.


Step 4

Right-click your mouse, and then click "Paste" or "Paste Image." The clip art will appear at the cursor.

Video of the Day



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